Licensed in the anti-counterfeiting field in accordance to government’s Decree No.60/NĐ-CP/2014, Vina CHG is proud to be the top supplier of product traceability solutions, high-tech anti-counterfeiting stamps which ensure the legality and confidentiality at the highest level.
Besides, Vina CHG’s hi-tech anti-counterfeiting stamps assist business in promoting the brand, managing product circulation in the market, activating the warranty, etc. Noticeably, Vina Check anti-counterfeit stamp enabling product traceability is a high-tech anti-counterfeiting solution which allows product traceability using QR code and assists business in managing products and customers.
Some technological features on stamps:
- SMS technology: Send text messages to 8077 to check the authenticity of products and receive product information.
- QR Code: QR code can be used for product traceability and business can integrate SMS feature into the QR code for product traceability and product authenticity verification. QR code scanner software (e.g. Zalo, Viber) can be used to check products’ origin and information.
- Dual-function QR codes: QR code on the stamp includes two functions. The first function is traceability of the product’s origins and the manufacturer’s information as soon as the customers check the product’ information before they purchase these products. The second function is anti-counterfeiting. These two functions are combined in the QR code under the scratch-off foil; customers can verify the authenticity of a product by sending an SMS message to 8077.
- Thermochromic ink: Use high temperature to check the authenticity of a product.
- Hydrochromic ink: This anti-counterfeiting solution is very simple for customers to use. Customers can check the authenticity of a product quickly and conveniently by applying water on the stamp’s surface. When contacting with water, the word “HÀNG THẬT” will appear.
- UV fluorescent anti-counterfeit printing ink: Use UV light to distinguish between fake and authentic products. When contacting with UV light, the logo Vina CHG will glow.
- Serial number: This range of number assists business in managing product quantity, product line and places that sell the product.
- And more anti-counterfeiting technonogies which can applied in stamps..
Some featured functions of the stamps
- Check the origin of products
- Assist business in promoting brands, building images, managing goods, wholesales and retails, preventing commercial encroachment and providing customer service.
- Instruct customers in using products effectively
- Send messages to verify the authenticity of a product
- Integrated CRM system – Managing the customer care system of the business
via smart applications.
Materials of the stamps:
Almost of our anti-counterfeiting stamps are made from brittle decal paper, normal decal paper, or tin foil decal paper. Appropriate material is chosen depending on the products’ surfaces in order for the business to protect products, avoid reusing, create prestige and promote the brand.
Stamps are also printed in rolls or sheets, help businesses putting stamps on the product conveniently.
Some examples of our hi-tech anti-counterfeiting stamps:
Vina CHG Anti-Counterfeiting Stamp SMS 4.0
Vinacheck Anti-Counterfeiting Stamp SMS combining QR Code, hydrochromic ink and UV fluorescent anti-counterfeit printing ink
Vinacheck Anti-Counterfeiting Stamp Dual QR Code combining hydrochromic ink
Vina CHG Anti-counterfeiting stamp 6.0 technology
Vina CHG Anti-counterfeiting stamp QR Code combining thermochromic ink, hydrochromic ink and UV fluorescent anti-counterfeit printing ink
Vina CHG Anti-counterfeiting stamp
with SMS Security Holograms technology
Examples of Anti-counterfeiting stamps above can customized depending on the needs of your business. Please contact Vina CHG for free consultancy and ordering Vina CHG Anti-counterfeiting stamps. We will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.
- Tel: (028) 73098389 (available from 8:00 to 17:00)
- Hotline: 0919 948389